Thursday, August 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Charlie Travels

 Exactly one year from today I started this blog. My first post was about moving to California and I cannot believe everything that has happened since then! I started scrolling through all my old blog titles and thinking about the places Justin and I got to explore. We are so incredibly blessed to have experienced all that we did this past year. I honestly believe that if we had not traveled last year we would have never taken the time to do it. The adventures we had and the memories we made are irreplaceable. We saw some amazing places and met some great friends along the way. While we were away we definitely caught the travel bug and now that we are back to our "normal" lives it is harder to get away. I look forward to seeing what another year brings us and I know we will fit some travel in there somewhere :)

Keep you posted,
<3 L 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Back to School

Adventures of 2nd Grade!

 The past few weeks I have been working like crazy to get my classroom ready and am so appreciative that my mom and Justin helped me get it done. (You guys are the best!) Yesterday was orientation and I got to meet my students and families. Everyone seemed to share the same level of enthusiasm as I do about starting school on Monday which was great to hear. I missed teaching every single day last year and am so blessed to be back in the classroom. This year I am teaching second grade which is new for me. Teaching a new grade level means expanding my horizon, getting creative, learning from my students, and more. All are challenges I look forward to. Below are pictures from my beach themed classroom! My favorite part of my classroom this year has got to be the chalkboard table Justin made for me. : )


I wish all my fellow teachers a great year!
Keep you posted,
<3 L